10/25 Camping and Upcoming News…

All: If you are going to Roger’s Environmental Center this Saturday 10/25, we will be leaving from Myles School at 8 AM. We are sleeping in leantos and tents. We will be working on Mammal Study MB. You need to bring a bag lunch for Saturday. You need to BE PREPARED for the weather this time of year. It is forecast to be 40 to 50 with possible showers. Please also bring your camp mug, scout book and a pencil/pen.

The troop committee meeting is Weds Oct 29 at Myles 6 PM. We will be discussing upcoming events, finances and need for more parent involvement. Parents are encouraged to attend. The Troop meeting this week will include Halloween costumes and treats. John Devlin will also cover the DEA Red Ribbon Patch Program at the meeting.

The popcorn delivery is set for next Thursday Oct 30. You need to pick your orders up at Myles School between 6 and 7 PM. No exceptions! We could use a couple of adults to help sort the orders from 4:30 to 6 PM.

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